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DUI Enforcement Training


The Faces of Tragedy

DUI Enforcement Training

AAIM has had advocates in the court system since its inception in 1982. For the past ten years, we have had court watchers in the courts around the Chicago land area. These staff members and volunteers must be training on the latest laws and technological developments used in deterring drunk driving. Our court watch program is underwritten by a grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT).

AAIM has had advocates in the court system since its inception in 1982.  For the past 12 years, AAIM has had court watchers in courtrooms around the Chicagoland area.  These staff members and volunteers must be trained on the latest laws and technological developments used in deterring drunk driving.  Our court watch program is underwritten by a grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation.

DuPage County State’s Attorney's office spent the day training AAIM’s dedicated staff and volunteers on how to address the serious problems in DUI court, handling the challenges in the court system and new DUI laws.  Keeping up-to-date with current laws and technology is important for our advocates and court watchers in the work they do.

Volunteers are the key to the success of the AAIM Court Watchers. You can help to continue this vital and challenging work by observing and recording courtroom activities, identifying problems and providing information for the improvement of the judicial system as it relates to impaired driving.

Because this program examines the courts from the “ordinary” citizen’s perspective, court watchers do not need a legal background. The requirements are simple ones:
• One day training session at courthouse
• Court time with experienced court watcher
• Weekday availability
• Impartiality to the court system and court personnel, to be able to report fair and accurately
This program welcomes men and women, senior citizens and college students, part or full time workers—people who genuinely care.

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