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Faces of Tragedy

The Jessica Christina Mejia Story

The Jessica Christina Mejia Tribute
March 17, 1989 – December 31, 2009

Another St Patty’s Day passes again
We marked our calendar with ball point pen
Sushi or steak, our choices tonight
We remember, we pray, we shine like a light
So others can see that we live in this world
Not for us, but for Him, sharing His word
Even though you aren’t with us here in this place
We know you are in heaven, peaceful and safe
Jess, I get angry, frustrated, irritated by life
I want Jesus to come back and make it all right
It’s hard to be patient when so much is wrong
I want control of so many things all the day long
It’s hard to let go and let God take control
I ask “why?” all the time and struggle to find my role
So I ask and I pray for God to settle my heart
For me to live for Him, to stand far apart
from this world that wants me so much to conform
To live alone, in fear, is the accepted norm
But not for this guy because you see
Jesus broke those chains, He set me free
Jess, I carry your picture, my poems every day
I will never forget your beauty, your life and your quirky ways
Your short life changed me, a sinner, for the better
I married your mom and gave my life to Christ…forever
I think of you often, every moment in fact
But I look forward and up, I try not to look back.
God has a plan, He loves me, you and all of us
That’s why he gave His one and only son, the redeemer, Jesus
So Happy Birthday Jess, on St Patrick’s Day we celebrate
We honor you, your life, now please pass the cake!

Mike Tucker, step-father and author​

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